Saturday 12 November 2016

What is in Serengeti national park?.

Tropical elephant at Serengeti

Serengeti is where the wildebeest are concentrated for the pasture and water for the whole life, SERENGETI is located at the northern party of Tanzania.All tours safaris are planned in the Arusha.Arusha is the tourist city of Africa where almost all tour operators for safaris tours staying.

 how large is the elephant,

At the shoulder, African elephants are 9.8 to 13.1 feet tall, while the height of Asian elephants is between 6.6 and 11.5 feet.There are two subspecies of African elephants: Savanna and Forest. Members of the Serengeti subspecies are larger than those in the Forest subspecies. 
The baby phase of a elephant's life cycle can last from five years to a decade. This phase is characterized by a dependency on the mother elephant for food and protection. During this phase, the mother elephant teaches the baby elephant important life skills, such as how to use its trunk for drinking and bathing and how to live in a herd with other elephants.This phase ends when the baby is completely weaned from the mother's milk.

The adolescent phase lasts from the time the baby is weaned from the mother's milk until about 17 years of age. During the adolescent phase, elephants reach sexual maturity but do not yet mate. Male elephants often begin to break away from the main herd and form their own mini-pods during this period.
 The adult phase, which lasts from about 18 years of age until elephant dies. During adulthood, elephants mate and form new alliances with elephants from other herds. Like humans, elephants also begin to display age-related illnesses, such as arthritis and cardiovascular problems, during late adulthood.

Elephant reproduction

Female elephants typically only have one calf per pregnancy. They get pregnant every four to five years. Calves are usually born during the wet season. They can weigh up to 260 pounds at birth.
For the first 90 days of their lives, young calves rely only on the nutrition from their mother's milk. After that period of time, they are able to begin to forage for vegetation and use their trunks to collect water. They still continue to suckle milk to supplement their diets up until the mother elephant gives birth again. 

tropical lion

African lions at tropical eat large animals that they find in the grasslands, including antelopes, zebras and wildebeest. Asiatic lions eat large animals as well, such as goats, nilgai, chital, sambhar and buffaloes. They are also known to eat smaller animals.only one lion in one lions territory.

Ostrich in Tanzania at Ngorongoro.
The reproduction for the Ostrich is very interesting. During mating season the isolated living or pair living will merge into HERD GROUP. They will have a dominant male that takes care of them. They will also have a dominant female. She is the only one that the dominant male will mate with.

In order for the other males to mate they will have to attract females through a dancing ritual. She will have the final decision with who she is going to mate with. The females will only mate with one male but a male may mate with several females. There is one very large nest that is created for the eggs to be placed into.

This is the nest of the dominant female. Hers will be in the center of the nest where they are the most protected. There can be up to 60 eggs per nest when all is said and done. If there are more offered by the herd they won’t be included. The stronger females will get to place their eggs first. This process is a natural way for the strongest genetics to be able to survive.

They will each weigh about 3 pounds. After about 40 days they will be ready to emerge from the eggs. The young are well cared for and they will stay under the bodies of the adults in the herd. This protects them from sunlight because their feathers will be very thin and they can easily get sun burned. As they get older though their feathers will become thicker and they won’t need that protection.

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